Балтський ліцей № 3 Балтської міської ради Одеської області



Міністерство oсвіти і науки, молоді та спорту України

Національна дитяча гаряча лінія

Веб-Квест. День перший

27 лют. 2019
Перший день веб-квесту присвячений Міжнародному Дню полярного ведмедя, який вже традиційно відзначається 27 лютого!





Polar Bear Quest!

Polar bears are some of the coolest creatures on the planet, and they live in some of the coldest places on Earth. Each year on February 27 we celebrate these magnificent creatures on International Polar Bear Day. The day was established by Polar Bears International, an organization devoted to preserving polar bears and the sea ice they depend on, to draw global attention to these magnificent mammals.
Let’s search for more information and learn these wonderful creatures better!
You can browse the official website of Polar Bears International Organization for more detailed info - https://polarbearsinternational.org/  J


So, let us start! Here are 10 challenging, but interesting tasks of Polar Bear Quest for you:

1. How many countries could polar bears name as their homes?


2. Which month of the year does the mother bear usually give birth to its cubs?


3. What food is essential for polar bears to survive?


4. Why do scientists claim that polar bears are not actually white?


5.  How many polar bears can be found on Earth and what are the predictions?


6. What are these polar bears doing, in your opinion?









7. What about these ones?









8. Why are penguins not afraid of polar bears?







9. What can you do to help polar bears and reduce global warming effect?



10. Imagine you are invited to the International Polar Bear Day Party somewhere in the Arctic. What could you wish to polar bears on their holiday? You may write a postcard or a poem, make a drawing or a poster, stick photos or heartily congratulate in your own words! Be creative!!! J




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